A (Relaxed) PCS by Merkle Trees and Low-Degree Tests
Chapter three dives into a first Succinct Argument of Circuit Satisfiability. It does so by introducing what it calls a Relaxed Polynomial Commitment Scheme that combines Merkle Trees and Low-Degree tests. Implementing a first Succinct Argument sounds like an interesting challenge, let's find out.
In Chapter 7 The Books gives the main definitions and the motivations for the new objects called Polynomial Commitment Schemes. Essentially what we want is a scheme where $\mathcal{P}$ would "commit" to the evaluations of some polynomial and its degree to be later tested by $\mathcal{V}$.
The Scheme
The Scheme itself as it is quoting The Book:
Let $\tilde{w} : \mathbb{F}^{\log n} \rightarrow \mathbb{F}$ be a ($\log n$)-variate multilinear polynomial over $\mathbb{F}$.
Let $s$ be the string consisting of all $|\mathbb{F}|^{\log n}$ evaluations of $\tilde{w}$.
One obtains a polynomial commitment scheme by applying a Merkle-tree based string commitment scheme to $s$ and then applying a low-degree test to $s$.
Let's try to decompose it.
Merkelizing the Evaluations
This is the easier part. Suppose for example that we have a function $\mathbb{F_5}^2$. The evaluation table for this function would look as follows:
0 0 | 0 1 | 0 2 | .. | 5 4 | 5 5 |
s[0] | s[1] | s[2] | .. | s[23] | s[24] |
And in order for $\mathcal{P}$ to commit to all the evaluations of this function it needs to create a Merkle Tree of $s$ and send $\mathcal{V}$ the root of this tree. Later when $\mathcal{V}$ asks $\mathcal{P}$ to reveal any of the evaluations, $\mathcal{P}$ replies with the evaluation + a proof of this evaluation's inclusion into the tree. Since merkelizing things is such a common theme in the blockchain space I am not going to go into it any further.
Running a Low-Degree Test
The explanation from The Book is a bit handwavy so it probably makes sense to look into [AS03] paper:
The low degree test is presented with $f:\mathbb{F}^m \rightarrow \mathbb{F}$ and an integer $d$. It is also presented a table that is meant to be "proof" that $f$ is degree $d$ polynomial. This table contains for each line in $\mathbb{F}^m$ a univariate degree $d$ polynomial that supposedly describes restriction of $f$ to that line. We will use the term $\textit{d-oracle}$ for any table that contains, for each line in $\mathbb{F}^m$ a univariate degree $d$ polynomial.
$$ \boxed{ \begin{aligned} &\text{\bf{The Low Degree Test:}}\cr &\text{Pick a random line } l \text{ in } \mathbb{F}^m\cr &\text{and read the univariate polynomial, say } p_l(t)\cr &\text{which the given \textit{d-oracle} contains for this line.}\cr &\text{Randomly pick a point $x$ on line $l$ and check}\cr &\text{whether $p_l$ correctly describes $f$ at $x$.}\cr &\text{If so, ACCEPT, else REJECT} \end{aligned} } $$
The Test from the paper [AS03] is not interactive, and assumes the oracle access to the whole $\textit{d-oracle}$ table. So here are a few ideas to take this description to the PCS protocol from The Book:
- At the beginning of the protocol $\mathcal{P}$ commits to the Merkle tree of the string of $f$ evaluations and to the claimed degree $d$ of $f$ by sending these values to $\mathcal{V}$.
- $\mathcal{V}$ picks a random line $l$ in $\mathbb{F}^m$ and sends it to $\mathcal{P}$.
- $\mathcal{P}$ replies with a univariate polynomial $p_l$ which it claims to be a restriction of $f$ to $l$.
- $\mathcal{V}$ generates a random $x \in \mathbb{F}$. Then it evaluates line $l$ on $x$ to obtain a point in $\mathbb{F}^m$. $\mathcal{V}$ sends this point to $\mathcal{P}$ and $\mathcal{P}$ replies with a corresponding value from $s$ and with the proof this evaluation's membership in the Merkle tree which was previously committed to by $\mathcal{P}$.
- $\mathcal{V}$ checks that $p_l(x)$ equals the received value from $s$ and that this value belongs to the Merkle tree.
Restricting a polynomial to a line has been described and implemented in a previous post on GKR. What we need is the machinery to merkelize the evaluations string $s$.
All Values of $\mathbb{F}$
First we need to be able to evaluate our function $f$ on all values in $\mathbb{F}^m$. It would be great to introduce a helper trait that would allow the code to iterate over all possible values of $\mathbb{F}$:
/// Iterate over all possible values of a finite field.
pub trait IF: Field {
type Values: IntoIterator<Item = Self>;
fn all_values() -> Self::Values;
Now in order to turn all values in $\mathbb{F}$ into all values in $\mathbb{F}^m$ we need to build all permutations of values in $\mathbb{F}$ of length $m$. Since building such permutations is not the topic of this post the readily available code can be used to extend the above trait with a helper function:
pub trait IF: Field {
type Values: IntoIterator<Item = Self>;
fn all_values() -> Self::Values;
fn all_multidimentional_values(m: usize) -> Vec<Vec<Self>> {
let mut res: Vec<_> =
permutations::permutations(&Self::all_values().into_iter().collect::<Vec<_>>(), m)
$\mathcal{P}$ is initialized with some polynomial $f$, our implementation as usual is going to be quite generic. Here, it is being generic over a field $\mathbb{F}$, the $f$ and the parameters of the Merkle tree:
pub struct Prover<F: Field, M: MultilinearExtension<F>, P: Config<Leaf = F>> {
tree: MerkleTree<P>,
values_convenience_map: HashMap<Vec<F>, usize>,
poly: M,
values: Vec<F>,
The implementation allows any MerkleTree
configuration to be used with only
restriction that the leafs of the tree have to be elements in $\mathbb{F}$.
Also Prover
holds a convenience map from $\mathbb{F}^m$ to indices in the
evaluations string $s$.
Now to create a new $\mathcal{P}$ and populate all the fields in the above struct a fairly involved logic has to be implemented:
impl<F: IF, M: MultilinearExtension<F>, P: Config<Leaf = F>> Prover<F, M, P> {
/// Create a new Prover.
pub fn new(
poly: M,
leaf_chr_params: <<P as Config>::LeafHash as CRHScheme>::Parameters,
two_to_one_params: <<P as Config>::TwoToOneHash as TwoToOneCRHScheme>::Parameters,
) -> Result<Self> {
let all_values = F::all_multidimentional_values(poly.num_vars());
// Populate s
let all_poly_values: Result<Vec<_>> = all_values
.map(|value| poly.evaluate(value).ok_or(Error::PolyEvalDimMismatch))
let all_poly_values = all_poly_values?;
// Length of array for `MerkleTree` has to be a power of two, so
// extend s with zeros up to that length.
let all_values_len = all_poly_values.len();
let values: Vec<_> = all_poly_values
.chain((all_values_len..all_values_len.next_power_of_two()).map(|_| F::zero()))
// Build a convenience indexing map
let values_convenience_map = all_values
.map(|(i, value)| (value.clone(), i))
// Build a MerkleTree.
let tree: MerkleTree<P> =
MerkleTree::new(&leaf_chr_params, &two_to_one_params, values.clone())?;
Ok(Self {
To complete the implementation of $\mathcal{P}$ three functions have to be added:
/// Get the merkle root.
pub fn merkle_root(&self) -> P::InnerDigest {
/// Restrict to line.
pub fn poly_restriction_to_line(&self, b: &[F], c: &[F]) -> univariate::SparsePolynomial<F> {
restrict_poly(b, c, &self.poly)
/// Challenge
pub fn challenge(&self, point: Vec<F>) -> Result<(Path<P>, F)> {
let point_index = self.values_convenience_map.get(&point).unwrap();
First one returns the root of the Merkle tree of $s$ $\mathcal{P}$ commits to at the beginning of the protocol.
The second one restricts committed $f$ to a random line $x$ picked by $\mathcal{V}$.
The third one answers $\mathcal{V}$'s request to revel $s$ value at a given point along with the proof of this value's membership in the committed Merkle tree.
The $\mathcal{V}$ is going to hold quite a lot of data:
/// The Verifier in the Relaxed PCS protocol.
pub struct Verifier<F: Field, P: Config<Leaf = F>> {
x: F,
degree: usize,
challenge_point: Vec<F>,
line: Vec<univariate::SparsePolynomial<F>>,
num_vars: usize,
prover_univariate: Option<univariate::SparsePolynomial<F>>,
merkle_root: P::InnerDigest,
leaf_chr_params: LeafParam<P>,
two_to_one_params: TwoToOneParam<P>,
When a new $\mathcal{V}$ is created it has to be initialized with the values of degree $d$ and the root of the Merkle Tree of $s$ $\mathcal{P}$ has committed to:
impl<F: Field, P: Config<Leaf = F>> Verifier<F, P> {
/// Create a new Verifier.
pub fn new(
num_vars: usize,
degree: usize,
merkle_root: P::InnerDigest,
leaf_chr_params: <<P as Config>::LeafHash as CRHScheme>::Parameters,
two_to_one_params: <<P as Config>::TwoToOneHash as TwoToOneCRHScheme>::Parameters,
) -> Self {
Then it picks the random line in $\mathbb{F}^m$ to send it to the $\mathcal{P}$.
To do so $\mathcal{V}$ generates two random points in $\mathbb{F}^m$ and uses the
function line
implemented earlier for the GKR protocol:
pub fn random_line<R: Rng>(&mut self, rng: &mut R) -> (Vec<F>, Vec<F>) {
let b: Vec<F> = (0..self.num_vars).map(|_| F::rand(rng)).collect();
let c: Vec<F> = (0..self.num_vars).map(|_| F::rand(rng)).collect();
self.line = line(&b, &c);
(b, c)
When $\mathcal{P}$ has sent a univariate polynomial $p_l$ claimed to be a restriction of $f$ to the line generated earlier, $\mathcal{V}$ checks its degree and saves to evaluate it later:
pub fn committed_univariate(&mut self, p: univariate::SparsePolynomial<F>) -> Result<()> {
if p.degree() > self.degree {
return Err(Error::DegreeMismatch);
self.prover_univariate = Some(p);
Then $\mathcal{V}$ needs to pick a random point along the picked line $l$ and send it to $\mathcal{P}$ querying the corresponding value in $s$ along with the proof:
/// Challenge the prover at some point.
pub fn challenge_prover<R: Rng>(&mut self, rng: &mut R) -> Vec<F> {
self.x = F::rand(rng);
self.challenge_point = self
.map(|poly| poly.evaluate(&self.x))
Finally the $\mathcal{P}$'s reply has to be verified against the earlier committed root of Merkle Tree of $f$ and also $\mathcal{V}$ needs to check that value from $s$ $\mathcal{P}$ has replied with equals $p_l(x)$:
/// Verify the prover's reply.
pub fn verify_prover_reply(&self, path: Path<P>, leaf: F) -> Result<()> {
let eval = self
if leaf != eval {
return Err(Error::EvalMismatch(
format!("{:?}", leaf),
format!("{:?}", eval),
The testing code configures the Merkle Trees the same way testing code in
does with the only exception is that the implementation of Config
is generic
over field $\mathbb{F}$ and uses a wrapper for a hasher to go from this generic
field type to bytes for hash convenience:
type LeafH = pedersen::CRH<JubJub, Window4x256>;
struct CHROverField<F> {
__f: PhantomData<F>,
impl<F: Field> CRHScheme for CHROverField<F> {
type Input = F;
type Output = <LeafH as CRHScheme>::Output;
type Parameters = <LeafH as CRHScheme>::Parameters;
fn setup<R: Rng>(
r: &mut R,
) -> std::result::Result<Self::Parameters, ark_crypto_primitives::Error> {
fn evaluate<T: Borrow<Self::Input>>(
parameters: &Self::Parameters,
input: T,
) -> std::result::Result<Self::Output, ark_crypto_primitives::Error> {
let bytes = to_uncompressed_bytes!(input).map_err(|_| Box::new(Error::ToBytesError))?;
LeafH::evaluate(parameters, bytes.as_ref())
This way in the config for the merkle tree the associated Leaf
type can be our field
and not the [u8]
struct JubJubMerkleTreeParamsFp5;
impl Config for JubJubMerkleTreeParamsFp5 {
type Leaf = Fp5;
type LeafDigest = <LeafH as CRHScheme>::Output;
type LeafInnerDigestConverter = ByteDigestConverter<Self::LeafDigest>;
type InnerDigest = <CompressH as TwoToOneCRHScheme>::Output;
type LeafHash = CHROverField<Fp5>;
type TwoToOneHash = CompressH;
In this a first Succinct Argument from The Book has been implemented.
The implementation is available at
As always the implementation has been made extremely generic over
everything and turned out quite good I believe. Thank you for reading
and stay tuned for the future posts!
Reference List.
YouTube: Log Degree Testing - Alessandro Chiesa
Robust Characterizations of Polynomials with Applications to Program Testing